Wine, women and beasts...
“one cup of wine is becoming to a woman, two are degrading, three she solicits publicly, four she solicits even an ass in the street and cares not” Ketubot 63a
The context of this wonderful observation of drunk women's rampant sexual appetite is a discussion in the Talmud about how much provision for wine should be stipulated in a woman's ketubah (marriage contract).
This is not a positive recognition that women have sexual desires and needs, but rather, supressed beneath the exterior lies a base, animalistic sexual desire.
The context of this wonderful observation of drunk women's rampant sexual appetite is a discussion in the Talmud about how much provision for wine should be stipulated in a woman's ketubah (marriage contract).
This is not a positive recognition that women have sexual desires and needs, but rather, supressed beneath the exterior lies a base, animalistic sexual desire.